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In effect: January 1, 2015


The mandatory use of a CSA approved helmet by patrons using the ice surface of the Shediac Festival Arena is essential to assure the safety and avoid injuries.


All patrons must wear a CSA approved helmet during all activities on the ice surface of the Shediac Festival Arena.

Patrons may by described as: competitors for sporting events (hockey, ringuette, figure skating, etc.), participants at all public and private public skating sessions, coaches (when on the ice surface), a photographer, arena personnel and all other persons while on the ice surface. A great number of towns and villages now have similar rules or are in the process of adopting some. The Town of Shediac Department of Leisure Services has adopted this pro active strategy to reduce the risk of serious head injuries.


Skaters associated with Skate Canada and Skate New Brunswick who have successfully participated in a sanctioned safety skating program and figure skaters during sanctioned events shall be exempt.

During the playing of the National Anthem(s).

During protocol ceremonies on a non sliding surface (ex. red carpet).

No exemptions for coaches, managers, team personnel and photographers will be allowed after games and during tournaments.

As of January 1, 2015, all patrons who shall not follow these rules shall receive a verbal warning for a first infraction. This warning shall be documented by the arena attendant who issued the warning. A second infraction by the same patron may result from loss privilege of using the Festival Arena.
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Chief Administrative Officer

Yves M. Leger

By-law Enforcement

Claude Maillet

Director of Community Living

Julie Bélanger

Director of Municipal Operations and Engineering

Robert McEwen P. Eng.

Finance Director

Carole Laneuville

Director of Economic Development

Danny Pellerin

Clerk/Director of communications

Sylvain Montreuil

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